"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"

July 2024 Newsletter

Dear Neighbor: I was bombarded with phone calls after my May newsletter, on the subject of Proposition 19 and property re-assessment upon death of a parent.  As the bill was originally passed and implemented, it required that, upon death of the parent, ALL heirs move into the inherited house to avoid a reassessment at market value which, as you can imagine, would trigger a massive increase in property taxes.  Well, it appears that Sacramento was also bombarded with complaints about that...Continue Reading!

Sold — 4128 Via Solano, PVE

This is a 3 bedroom 2 bath home on Via Solano has closed escrow.  We had multiple offers.  Extensively remodeled with a sparkling, private pool and spa.  Got that famous Valmonte climate and easy off-Hill access.  2300+ square feet, asking $2.2 million. [ngg src="galleries" ids="133" display="basic_thumbnail" thumbnail_crop="0"]Continue Reading!

Leased in Valmonte!

This lovely 3 bedroom 1.5 bath home has just leased in Valmonte.  The approximately 1500 square feet of living area are in extremely good condition and updated throughout.  It has a 2-car garage and a huge flat rear garden.  If you like Valmonte (and most people do), you will absolutely love the location.  $6000/month and available now. [ngg src="galleries" ids="132" display="basic_thumbnail" thumbnail_crop="0"]Continue Reading!

High Density Housing

As most PV residents are now aware, in its infinite wisdom, the State has dictated that every city must have "affordable" housing.  "Affordable" varies by city, but the fact that the State is using our tax money and something called the "Builder's Remedy" to bludgeon cities into compliance is disturbing.  The spirit of the California State constitution is that zoning is left to the cities and counties, but Sacramento has found a cynical way around it.  The artist renderings below...Continue Reading!