Palos Verdes Real Estate
Home"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"
May 2023 Newsletter
Dear Neighbor: Local real estate prices continue to hold up better than most of us predicted, the primary reason being a lack of houses for sale. Reasonably-priced houses are selling instantly, often with multiple offers. Nationally prices are down 12% from the June 2022 peak, although locally it feels like they are down less. One reason for the smaller than predicted decline, apart from others I’ve discussed in previous newsletters, is the reticence of current homeowners to give up their low...Continue Reading!
The History of Palos Verdes

As you probably know, I've lived in Palos Verdes for 75 years -- probably why they made the President of the Palos Verdes Historical Society. On May 12 at 4 pm at Hesse Park, I will be giving a one hour presentation on the history of Palos Verdes, beginning with Frank Vanderlip's 1913 purchase of the Peninsula. I'd like to begin in 1821 with Mexico's independence from Spain, but I only have an hour. Much of this is from my...Continue Reading!
March 2023 Newsletter
The History of La Venta Inn

If you're interested in Palos Verdes history, do not miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to hear the owner of La Venta Inn discuss its history Wednesday, February 8, at 4 pm at La Venta. Mark Matthews lived at the Inn as a child when it was the family home. THIS EVENT WILL SELL OUT and space is quite limited, so get your reservation in today either via the link in the flyer or by emailing me at [email protected] Continue Reading!