"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"

Newsletters Category

March 2021 Newsletter

Dear Neighbor: Out here in the real estate world we’re getting a small breather from the frenzied pace of 2020.  As I mentioned last time, that took us all by surprise.  When the reality of Covid hit in March, we all figured real estate was going to be on hold for the duration; but the opposite happened.  This was caused by the scarcity of homes for sale due to a) people just not wanting buyers carrying who knew what in their...Continue Reading!

January 2021 Newsletter

Dear Neighbor: Well 2020 is over, to the relief of most.  Any further mention of it is [ahem] hindsight.  As I’ve said before, amid all the craziness it turned out to be an unexpectedly good year for sellers of real estate, though few, including me, would have predicted it.  The shortage of houses for sale created at least partially by Covid, caused a frenzy among buyers who had to buy for whatever reason, including the sub-3% interest rates.  The election of last...Continue Reading!

November, 2020, Newsletter

Dear Neighbor: As someone eloquently put it, “Who’da thunk it?”.  When Covid hit 6+ months ago, the general prediction for the real estate market was not rosy.  After all, who is going to want to put their house on the market with Covid lurking on the shoes, hands, and breath of potential buyers?  As you probably know by now, and as I hinted in my last newsletter when this was becoming clear, the reticence of sellers to put their houses on...Continue Reading!

September 2020 Newsletter

Dear Neighbor: So . . . back early in the year, did anyone envision what would transpire during the past 6 months?  Between the virus, the demonstrations, the civil (and often uncivil) unrest as reported on the news, and now the election, you’d think that nothing else was going on.  Of course, we all know better, and one thing that has been going surprisingly strongly is the real estate market.  Nice transition, eh?  You can imagine what it’s like showing houses...Continue Reading!