"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"

Newsletters Category

November 2021 Newsletter

Dear Neighbor: Out here on the front lines, real estate trends often become apparent before the pundits and the press pick up on them.  As I’ve pointed out before, what you read in the press is generally written by reporters not directly involved in real estate.  Not being “in the business”, they tend to use data on closed sales which, by definition, reflects what the market was 60-120 days ago – escrows average about 60 days in length, and the price...Continue Reading!

September 2021 Newsletter

Dear Neighbor: Don’t look now, but the market is still hot by almost any historical measure.  I say “almost” because I doubt we’ll ever see a repeat of the frenetic pace of the first 6 months of this year.  While there is still a fairly severe shortage of houses for sale, I am no longer seeing the lines of people waiting to buy – only just enough to generally get multiple offers within the first week, but not the crazy numbers...Continue Reading!

July 2021 Newsletter

Dear Neighbor: To the amazement of many, me included, the real estate market continues to be red hot.  Demand exceeds supply, although it’s not clear to me that supply is any longer as constricted as it was during Covid.  Many people are deciding to sell now while the market is hot and prices are high, and retire to an area where the cost of living is lower.  As I’ve said before, I’ve seen markets similar to this in my 36 years...Continue Reading!

May 2021 Newsletter

May, 2021 Dear Neighbor: OK, the real estate market is, in a word, nuts right now.  It seems to have begun last Summer when the shortage of houses for sale, due partially to Covid, caused supply to fall far short of demand.  Other than the recent slight rise in interest rates (which always motivates buyers who think the interest rate train is pulling out of the station), I can’t honestly explain its perseverance.  I (and no one I know) could explain it...Continue Reading!