"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"

Everything I’ve Written Category

All articles I’ve written on real estate for the last 10 or so years. Earlier than that, I’ll have to mail them to you

Around and Around We Go

Palos Verdes Real Estate

Do you remember the old carnival ride where you climbed into a big 30 foot diameter cylinder and stood against the wall?  The thing began rotating, pressing you against the wall, and then some nutcase removed the floor from beneath your feet.  However, you were held in place by centrifugal force, which was clear when you looked across the cylinder at the other riders stuck to the wall.  What would have happened if someone had tripped over the cord and...Continue Reading!

All articles I’ve written on real estate for the last 10 or so years. Earlier than that, I’ll have to mail them to you

Stuff You Won’t Hear From the Media

I could write a book, but here's what's pertinent to real estate at the moment:  we've all heard the constant reports in the media that the "median price" of real estate is down 36% or some other dire number, right?  You might think that prices are headed south faster than Lee after Gettysburg, but it's not true.  This stuff makes me crazy, but I'm sufficiently medicated to get thru this. There has been an interesting dichotomy in the market for the...Continue Reading!

All articles I’ve written on real estate for the last 10 or so years. Earlier than that, I’ll have to mail them to you

January 2009 Update

This is my periodic newsletter to my mailing list. This is January, 2009's: I tried to write this as an explanation of why we're in the economic mess we're in, but somewhere on the 6th page I reconsidered.  Suffice to say (and I'm sure you've gotten explanations from all directions), this is the accumulation of 70+ years of government meddling.  Beginning during the Great Depression, people increasingly began to look to the Federal Government to make their lives better, and the host...Continue Reading!

All articles I’ve written on real estate for the last 10 or so years. Earlier than that, I’ll have to mail them to you

Websites, Websites

and more websites. Seems like everyone's got one, you can get one for almost nothing, which is what some are worth. On the subject at hand (that would be real estate), there are websites whose ostensible purpose is to give you the value of your house on-line. Neat, huh? The most prominent are Zillow and Truila, but I'm sure others have jumped on the bandwagon. Zillow and Truila, if you're reading this, you know what I'm about to say is...Continue Reading!