Palos Verdes Real Estate
Home"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"
Websites, Websites
and more websites. Seems like everyone's got one, you can get one for almost nothing, which is what some are worth. On the subject at hand (that would be real estate), there are websites whose ostensible purpose is to give you the value of your house on-line. Neat, huh? The most prominent are Zillow and Truila, but I'm sure others have jumped on the bandwagon. Zillow and Truila, if you're reading this, you know what I'm about to say is...Continue Reading!
Elvis, Kennedy, and Pearl Harbor

After Elvis, the Kennedy assassination, and the Pearl Harbor attack, real estate has got to be next on the list for containing the most myths and misinformation. Even in a hot market like we’ve been having, there are still some fundamental truths, prominent among them being that somewhere out there is a buyer who will pay the most for your home which, all else being equal, is the buyer you want. The way to find him is NOT to a)...Continue Reading!
Dana Graham’s Palos Verdes Sales
HOMES SOLD BY DANA GRAHAM PRUDENTIAL CALIFORNIA REALTY PALOS VERDES PENINSULA ONLY ZIP CODES 90274 & 90275 Not necessarily in chronological order Properties listed more than once were sold more than once 1812 DALTON RD, PVE 5627 SEASIDE HTS DR, RPV 5331 MANITOWAC DR, RPV 25918 CHALMETTE LN, RHE 66 SILVER SADDLE LN, RHE 2316 VIA ACALONES, PVE 28604 COVECREST DR, RPV 4024 VIA PICAPOSTE, PVE 26712 HAWKHURST DR, RPV 26842 EASTVALE DR, PVP 27916 ALVAREZ DR, RPV 10 PEARTREE LN, RHE 27902 ALVAREZ DR, RPV 3400 P V DRIVE...Continue Reading!
Fannie and Freddie
September 9, 2008 By the time you read this, the crisis with Fannie and Freddie will be at least a few weeks old but, since we taxpayers are now the guarantors of last resort for a whole bunch of questionable loans, it is important to understand the situation. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are two quasi-governmental agencies that buy real estate loans that meet certain criteria, on what is known as the "secondary market". Your lender makes you a loan to buy a house...Continue Reading!