"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"

Do You Need An Agent?

It's a valid question.  In my 28 years of doing this, my general impression is that 20% of the escrows go smoothly enough that an agent may not have been necessary.  But, and you knew this was coming, it's the part before and after, that we need to look at. Before:  Getting a property into an escrow that will close is not something that just happens.  Apart from helping you select the proper asking price, agents have ways of marketing and publicizing...Continue Reading!

Global Warming (thru the ages)

Palos Verdes Real Estate

I originally wrote this in early 2009 but, sad to say, it still applies: I hate to waste time on this, but since it's currently fashionable to believe that man is causing global warming, I just can't help putting it to the "historical perspective" test. I am no scientist, and I'm not even going to get into the vested interests of a whole bunch of people who are riding the government gravy train "studying" this.  All that aside, it fails the...Continue Reading!

These Are Perilous Times

Palos Verdes Real Estate

Originally written in May, 2009: Please.  No, they are not.    Every generation thinks they live in unprecedentedly "perilous times". Remember the bucolic 1950's? Ozzie & Harriet, Mickey Mouse, Howdy Doody, Elvis, and all that innocence? That's not what people thought at the time! It was "head for the bomb shelter and duck and cover" 'cuz them Ruskies could be sending a nuclear bomb over any minute. Not to mention polio and a bunch of other disesases since eradicated. We now know that...Continue Reading!

2 Spectacular Lots in Palos Verdes — Sold in One Day!

I just listed 2 half acre plus lots on Vista Del Mar just below Marymount College.  They are located on a cul-de-sac and run street-to-street, with gently sloping topography.  You get a hint of the views from these lots by the pictures below.  These lots may be developed within the existing tract guidelines pre-approved by the City.   I have them, so call me at 310 613-1076.  Located at the west corner of Palos Verdes Drive East and Vista Del Mar, Lot 11 is...Continue Reading!

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