"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"

Closed Escrow in Valmonte

Palos Verdes Real Estate

This house will go on the market January 14, 2014.  It did and was sold by January 15.  This is a 2565 square foot 4 bedroom 3 bath home.  It has been kept in move-in condition on a quiet street by the current long-time owners, and has a nice view.  The price is $1,295,000, so call me at 310 613-1076 if you want the latest. [nggallery id=33]Continue Reading!

Los Verdes — sold before it hit the market

This really nice 4 bedroom 2 bath one level home at 7012 Beechfield, RPV, was set to come on the market January 7th, but by January 6th it had sold!   However, if you have interest, call me at 613-1076 for the latest.  Move-in condition, upgraded, and stunning gardens.  $995,000. [nggallery id=34]Continue Reading!

Why other agents don’t do the extras . . . that I do

If you read my stuff, you know that I regularly do a lot of extra things for my clients that other agents wouldn't think of doing.  Things like plumbing, roof, or electrical repairs, fixing windows, fixing clocks, selling cars, shopping for loans -- the list is too long to recite here or even recall.  I'm a reasonably handy guy, and so it just makes sense to me to make the repairs I can, rather than call someone in who will charge you...Continue Reading!

November, 2013 Newsletter

Palos Verdes Real Estate

Dear Neighbor: The real estate market in Palos Verdes (and the South Bay, for that matter) continues at about a 5 on a scale of 10 activity-wise.  It feels slow compared to last Spring, but those of us who have been around for decades have seen this movie before.  The interest rate rise of last June acted as a speed bump, slowing the market to a more normal pace. Whether you’re in the real estate market to buy or sell, or not,...Continue Reading!

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