"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"

Sellers Category

The High Price of Greed

This is more important with regard to real estate than ever, so listen up:  Understandably, I have seen more than the usual number of new listings lately come out at unrealistically high prices.  It's understandable because a) every seller wants to get the highest possible price for his house, b) feels his house is special (that's why he bought it), c) may have gotten used to shortcomings in location, lot size, floor plan, etc, d) and, in a slower market, is...Continue Reading!

Around and Around We Go

Palos Verdes Real Estate

Do you remember the old carnival ride where you climbed into a big 30 foot diameter cylinder and stood against the wall?  The thing began rotating, pressing you against the wall, and then some nutcase removed the floor from beneath your feet.  However, you were held in place by centrifugal force, which was clear when you looked across the cylinder at the other riders stuck to the wall.  What would have happened if someone had tripped over the cord and...Continue Reading!

All Is Not What It Seems

Palos Verdes Real Estate

Apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan.  Real estate price declines have been all over the news during the past few months, with stomach-churning numbers up to 41% decline fairly common. There is no doubt that, overall, prices have declined from their 2007 peaks, but there is an interesting phenomenon afoot below the surface that is fooling those coming up with these numbers: The lower end of the market (under about $750,000) is currently hotter than a 1951 Crosley with a bad thermostat.  One...Continue Reading!

Stuff You Won’t Hear From the Media

I could write a book, but here's what's pertinent to real estate at the moment:  we've all heard the constant reports in the media that the "median price" of real estate is down 36% or some other dire number, right?  You might think that prices are headed south faster than Lee after Gettysburg, but it's not true.  This stuff makes me crazy, but I'm sufficiently medicated to get thru this. There has been an interesting dichotomy in the market for the...Continue Reading!