"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"

Real Estate General Info Category

Fannie and Freddie

September 9, 2008 By the time you read this, the crisis with Fannie and Freddie will be at least a few weeks old but, since we taxpayers are now the guarantors of last resort for a whole bunch of questionable loans, it is important to understand the situation. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are two quasi-governmental agencies that buy real estate loans that meet certain criteria, on what is known as the "secondary market".  Your lender makes you a loan to buy a house...Continue Reading!

Real Estate and Icebergs

As with icebergs, there is an awful lot that goes on (or should go on) below the surface in a real estate transaction that makes possible what you see.  Here's an example: When your house sells, the buyer will hire an inspector (or two) to look at the property.  A good listing agent should a) be present at the inspection to see what the inspector finds, b) have a working knowledge of systems in a typical home (roof, plumbing, electrical, foundation,...Continue Reading!

Is the #1 Agent the Best?

Do you ever get tired of every agent claiming to be #1?  When you're selling your house, you want an agent to whom the sale is as big a deal as it is to you.  After all, your concern is quality of service, not quantity of sales -- why do you care that an agent sold 30 other homes that year?  When I got into this business 25 years ago, I made the commitment to put quality ahead of  quantity,...Continue Reading!