Palos Verdes Real Estate
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Real Estate General Info Category
Stale Listings

My clients lately have gotten my "Stale Listing" speech, which goes like this: the market has been going bananas for about 18 months. Whenever this happens, the idea seems to settle in that a seller can pretty much name his price and buyers will beat a path to his door. There is no shortage of current examples. If this isn't a sure sign that the market is about to slow down, it certainly contributes to it. Buyers look at the "comps"...Continue Reading!
July 2015 Newsletter
Dear Neighbor: The real estate market is showing some signs of cooling as I write this. Normally the first sign is that listings begin to sit on the market longer than before, often because sellers, thinking the market is so hot they can name their price, do so and things begin to slow down. Interest rates have begun to creep up (now over 4% -- I can hear the snickers – “4%? That’s usury. Throw the bums in jail!”), which normally...Continue Reading!
As Seen in the Daily Breeze

I was named #1 Berkshire Hathaway agent in PV for 2014, which is kind of impressive since I have no assistants, secretaries, sub-agents, or anything else. If you click on the re-print below, you can actually read the whole thing. If my clients hire me, they get me for everything. Check the Testimonials in the upper right to see what my clients think of me. Call me and become one -- 310 613-1076. Continue Reading!
May 2015 Newsletter
May, 2015 Dear Neighbor: I’m not sure if the entire market is going crazy or just my share of it. In my last letter I mentioned that there were not a lot of homes for sale. That continues to be true, with the only ones not selling being those who, trying to take advantage of the market, have overshot the mark on the price. Speaking for myself, I can hardly get my listings on the market before I have really good offers. ...Continue Reading!