"Palos Verdes Resident since 1947"

Newsletters Category

January 2013 Newsletter

The following is the bi-monthly newsletter that went out to my mailing list January, 2013.  Here is a copy of the Contact Form referred to.  If you just want me to hand you a copy, let me know:                                                                                                                                                                                                    January, 2013   Dear Neighbor:  Well, let’s see:  if you’re reading this, the world apparently didn’t end last December 21, tho we have sailed off the much-ballyhooed “Fiscal Cliff”.  Personally, I have the feeling that the results are not going to be as dire as...Continue Reading!

November 2012 Newsletter

Dear Neighbor:  As you can see from the enclosures, things are jumpin’.  As I hinted the last time I wrote, it seems as if everyone who ever thought of buying is attempting to do so now – and who can blame them?  With interest rates at levels we won’t see again in our lifetimes (3.5% 30 year fixed -- well, not in my lifetime -- maybe in yours) and prices still unrecovered from the ridiculous levels of 2007 (don’t hold your breath...Continue Reading!

September 2012 Newsletter

This is the text of my newsletter sent to approximately 1500 people.  If you would like to get on my mailing list, either post a comment here or call me at 310 265-2141.   While the real estate market has slowed slightly in the past few weeks (too small a period to make any judgments), it’s still safe to say that if your house is priced correctly, you won’t have long to wait for a buyer.  The market picked up noticeably a...Continue Reading!

July, 2012, Newsletter

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 July, 2012  Dear Neighbor: Staging has become a hot topic lately, I suppose because with a slower market, sellers are looking for any edge they can get.  Staging, in case you don’t know, can refer to anything from re-arranging the existing furniture in the house, to bringing in a complete house full of new furniture, towels, accessories, dishes, wall hangings, etc, all in an effort to make the place look more attractive to a buyer.  In this case, I’m talking about...Continue Reading!

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